Our business expertise area and business process.
- EPEIPL has concentrated on business of various boiler and power plant accessories,
like heat exchangers in regeneration cycle of power plants (deareators, LP heaters,
HP heaters, condensers etc), steam blowoff silencers on vent lines and safety valves,
economisers, super heaters, air pre heaters etc.
- EPEIPL can design and supply equipments with extended surfaces like- CI gilled,
helical welded fins, press fitted fins (for low temp application), studed surface,
Square finns etc.
- EPEIPL is capable to design, manufacture and install various types of heat exchangers
like gas to gas, gas to liquid, liquid to liquid etc with conventional TEMA construction
or nonconventional constructions to suit process need and with good engineering
- EPEIPL is also capable to design, manufacture , install and commission verious types
steam generators based on fuels like solid biomass , fossiles, liquid process waste
and fossiles, gasus fuels.
- EPEIPL is also capable to design, manufacture , install and commission various types
of steam generators based on various waste heats like engine exhausts, furnace exhausts,
process waste in metallurgical, cement, petro-chemical, refinery, chemical processes.
EPEIPL can also supply equipments to utilise these waste heat for other than steam
generation application, like, heating air, thermic fluid, water or any process fluid
etc. or removal of moistures from various products.
- EPEIPL is having vast experience in the boiler and power field and hence designs
of product and systems are innovative, cost effective and to suit specific need
of customer. Company has meticulausly developed the designs of all products with
lot feed backs system from designer- shop-installation-commissioner- user continious
interaction. All equipments designes go through rigorous thermal, hydraulic, mechanical
analysis before it goes to shop floor. Vert strict quality control norms and checking
systems are followed to make equipment of best class.
Our Mission
Design, Manufacture and supply heat transfer equipments for right specification,
to appropriate cost with innovative technology for customers delight.